the French form
and the English form
- How will i do?
My solution is resources.
1. I start Visual Studio, create a new project, name it as "MultiLanguage", in Solution Explorer, right click on project->Add->New Folder, named "Res".
2. Right click on "Res" folder-> Add -> New Item, i select "Resource file" in Templates list, create new "FormLanguage" resource. In resource editor, type "strHello" in name column, and type "Hello" in value column, it means my resource has "strHello" string that assigned "Hello" value. Repeat this step for other languages, change "Hello" string in value column depends on other languages.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading; //Thread
using System.Globalization; //CultureInfo
using System.Resources; //ResourceManager
using System.Collections; //Hashtable
namespace MultiLanguage
public partial class Form1 : Form
//Define a language array
string[] language = new string[] { "English", "French", "Germany", "Japanese", "Vietnamese" };
//Define a culture array
string[] culture = new string[] { "en-US", "fr-FR", "de-DE", "ja-JP", "vi-VN" };
//Hashtable that stores language culture (key = language, value = culture)
Hashtable ht = null;
public Form1()
//Initial language hashtable
ht = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i <>
ht.Add(language[i], culture[i]);
//Change to default language - "English"
void ChangeLang(string country)
string name = ht[country].ToString();
void ChangeCulture(string name)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(name);
void ChangeUI()
* i use ResourceManager(string baseName, System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
* baseName:
* namespace.Folder.Resource
* Multilanguage.Res.FormLanguage
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("MultiLanguage.Res.FormLanguage", typeof(Form1).Assembly);
//Get "Hello" string from resource using GetString method
//Assign to form title
this.Text = rm.GetString("strHello");
//Assigne to label
lblHello.Text = rm.GetString("strHello");
private void cboLang_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Get string of selected item
string name = cboLang.SelectedItem.ToString();
More infomation about culture name, please visit in MSDN (thanks to MSDN):
Happy coding! :)
Any comment from you will be highly appreciated.